Kdo čekal vyrovnané zápasy v elitní divizi Mistrovství světa 2016 mezi Finskem a Kanadou, musel být po dnešním druhém utkání zklamán. Až překvapivě jednoznačnou záležitostí pro finský výběr byl zisk titulu Mistra světa 2016. I v druhém duelu kralovaly domácí hráčky a po konečném výsledku 13:0 se zaslouženě radovaly ze zlatých medailí. Stav série 2:0 (8:2, 13:0). Gratulujeme!
Archiv rubriky: IRF
President’s Trophy finále
President’s Trophy zná svého vítěze! Snad nejkrásnější zápas celého mistrovství zařídily juniorky Kanady a Finska. Druhé finálové utkání bylo ještě vyrovnanější a o vítězi muselo rozhodnout až prodloužení, ve kterém byly šťastnější kanadské hráčky. Výsledek finálové série: Finsko U20 x Kanada U21 0:2 (5:7, 9:10).

ČSRI členem IRF
It is with great pleasure that the International Ringette Federation can announce that history will be made in 2015. In July 2015, the IRF, for the first time since its inception, will officially welcome two new member countries. Joining existing members Canada, Finland, Sweden and USA, will be Czech Republic and Slovakia.
This expansion will also provide growth of the World Ringette Championship event as both countries will be sending teams to compete at the 2016 World Ringette Championships in Helsinki, Finland this coming January. The IRF is very proud of the recent international growth and development of ringette in Europe and looks forward to the participation of the Czech and Slovakian teams as they make history during the 2016 WRC!
The induction ceremony took place during the Czech Challenge Cup in Prague, July 2015 where IRF president Sini Forsblom presented the Czech Ringette Association and Slovakian Ringette Association each with an official IRF Flag and a certificate of membership.

Zdroj: http://www.ringette.cc
Sam Jacks‘ 100th Birthday!

Today, on the 23th April 2015, would have been the 100th Birthday of Sam Jacks, the Inventor of Ringette. International Ringette Federation honors the legacy of Sam Jacks with these photos and a message from Sam Jacks‘ son Bruce Jacks.
My father Samuel Perry Jacks was born in Scotland on April 23 1915.
Our family have been reminiscing about our Father and all his accomplishments over the years.
The main one being our game of Ringette. If you knew Sam he would be very humbled to think his game that he invented in 1963 has travelled from the City of North Bay Ontario Canada (known as the Birth Place of Ringette), is now being played across Canada, USA, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and France.
What a way to celebrate which would have been his hundredth birthday!
On behalf of myself and the family we would like to thank the Ringette World for all their hard work and dedication in making the game of Ringette a world class sport.
Bruce Jacks
Zdroj: http://www.ringette.cc
IRF Coaching and Referee Workshops 2015
The first official International IRF Coaching and Referee Workshops took place in Prague, Czech Republic on 22th – 23th July 2015. There were participants from five different countries; Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Slovakia and Sweden.
Instructors of the Coaching Workshop were Phyllis Sadoway and Matti Virtanen. They shared their coaching knowledge to 13 coaches on and off ice. There were lots of good discussions and active participation. The participants of the Coaching workshop got new ideas from the instructors as well as each other.
„It is good that the first workshop has now found it’s place and this is a good start“, said Matti „Masa“ Virtanen, one of the two instructors. Mr. Virtanen is working in Ringette Finland office and is responsible for the education of ringette coaches in Finland. „The discussions open the participants eyes when there are so many different ways of thinking about just one simple thing in ringette. You can’t really say which one is good or bad, as the cultures are very different in different countries“ says mr. Virtanen.
Zdroj: http://www.ringette.cc